Our Services

From photos to video, we got you covered


We photograph properties by taking several shots of the subject using varied exposures. This allows us to capture everything from the deepest shadows to the brightest highlights.  These photo brackets are then blended together resulting in a final image that really jumps out at the viewer, all while keeping the experience as natural as possible.  We also offer virtual twilights and staging, as well as headshots.


We hate to hover over you… but if you need to give a different perspective we got you! FAA Part 107 certification as well as NC state requirements have all been met. 

Floor Plans and Measurements

We take lidar measurements with the IGuide and add in our hand measured exterior wall thickness. The drafter compiles all data into an amazing floor plan that can be printed and/or interacted with online or off!  All measurements are delivered to you in a simple report that you will love to look at!  Less than one half % margin of error which is substantially under North Carolina’s 5% limitANSI-Z765-2021 compliant.

360 Tour

Here at 3am our 360 tours and floor plans are created with the IGuide. Just one look at the sample tour and it is easy to see why. These tours are user friendly, cleaner, and less clunky overall. No more endless scrolling, simply click on the floor plan to be taken right to the area you want to explore! The floor plans are created with exterior wall thickness included making the dimensions useable for your listings, and potential buyers are able to easily see if their favorite piece of furniture will fit with just a click of the measuring tool. Call, text, or email me if you would like to know more about how the IGuide tours we offer will set you ahead of the rest!


We offer many video options when you’re looking to kick it up a notch. From 15 second teasers, agent intros or slide shows up to full walk-throughs. We can help bring your visions to life!

Get a Free Quote

We thrive on creativity and challenge so if you have something in mind that you would like to discuss just give us a holler, we would love to work with you!

A complete media solution with a focus on both residential and commercial real estate.  Serving all North Carolina counties.

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